Wednesday, December 25, 2013


we designed a forest with two different moods, I feel I have learned a lot and found out that I still have a lot to learn. This was a fun project to work on

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Earlier this semester we painted a pine cone in photoshop to practice and get ready for the forest project.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Clay sculptures

Bobble head of my friend Edric

Midna for a Nintendo charity auction

This is my physics teacher Alejandro Garcia with Alex the lion

The mouse

Mau, the mice girl


Friday, April 26, 2013

Annoying guy

We had to animate a characte going down the stairs, and try to have a story as well in this short clip.

I tried to convey this guy as being annoying in the library to other people, while we can't hear him, his dance moves and his ignorance to the people around him is supporting the idea.

any suggestions to make this better?

Morpheus belong to Josh Burton

Flower Dance

a small stop motion for physics of animation class

quick stop motion test for physics class

Yaaaaay I think im getting the hang of this stop motion business….well kinda…
I tried doing replacement paper cut outs for the water splash and the ball bounce at the end..

Chicken Bounce

So the assignment for ani 114 was to animate either a bouncing baby or a bouncing chicken. so i animated a chicken wearing a diaper..but then i had a week of spring break ahead of me before we turn in the animation, so what better to do than animate the randomest things to the chicken song :P

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

midterm reel

My Midterm reel for the spring for the second level of maya animation class
Morpheus belong to Josh Burton